The Economics of Hip Fractures

The Economics of Hip Fractures and Associated Hospital Care

Hip fracture is a major public health issue due to an ever-increasing ageing population. 

US: USD$40,000 per hip fracture patient episode

300,000 hip fractures were estimated in 2005 in the US, with an economic burden of $12Bn. Incidence and economic burden expected to rise by 50% from 2005-2025 for osteoporosis-related fractures.1

UK: STG£26,000 per hip fracture patient episode

75,000 hip fractures costing the NHS £2.0 Bn p.a. (including medical and social care).2

Europe: EUR€35,000 per hip fracture patient episode

620,000 hip fractures estimated in 2010 in the EU27 with an economic burden of €21Bn.3


The Economics of Failed Hip Fixation

• Financial cost per case with hip fixation failure is 2.2x an uncomplicated case.4,5

• Hospital bed stay accounts for up to 85% of the total hospital cost.

• Length of stay increases by 2x to 3x with fixation failure.6

USD$50,000 additional cost for each failure episode

STG£32,000 additional cost for each failure episode

EUR€42,000 additional cost for each failure episode



  1. Burge R, Dawson-Hughes B, Solomon DH, Wong JB, King A, Tosteson A. Incidence and economic burden of osteoporosis-related fractures in the United States, 2005–2025. J Bone Mineral Research 2007; 22:465–475
  2. NICE Hip fracture management clinical guideline CG124. Published June 2011, updated March 2014
  3. Svedbom A, Hernlund E, Ivergård M, Compston J, Cooper C, Stenmark J, McCloskey EV, Jönsson B, Abrahamsen B, Kanis JA. Osteoporosis in the European Union: a compendium of country-specific reports. Arch Osteoporosis 2013; 8:137:1-218
  4. Thakar C, Alsousou J, Hamilton TW, Willett K. The cost and consequences of proximal femoral fractures which require further surgery following initial fixation. Bone & Joint Journal. 2010; 92:1669-77
  5. Palmer SJ, Parker MJ, Hollingworth W. The cost and implications of reoperation after surgery for fracture of the hip. Bone & Joint Journal. 2000; 82:864-6
  6. Foss NB, Palm H, Krasheninnikoff M, Kehlet H, Gebuhr P. Impact of surgical complications on length of stay after hip fracture surgery. Injury. 2007; 38:780-8