Hip fracture is a major public health issue due to an ever-increasing ageing population.
US: USD$40,000 per hip fracture patient episode
300,000 hip fractures were estimated in 2005 in the US, with an economic burden of $12Bn. Incidence and economic burden expected to rise by 50% from 2005-2025 for osteoporosis-related fractures.1
UK: STG£26,000 per hip fracture patient episode
75,000 hip fractures costing the NHS £2.0 Bn p.a. (including medical and social care).2
Europe: EUR€35,000 per hip fracture patient episode
620,000 hip fractures estimated in 2010 in the EU27 with an economic burden of €21Bn.3
The Economics of Failed Hip Fixation
• Financial cost per case with hip fixation failure is 2.2x an uncomplicated case.4,5
• Hospital bed stay accounts for up to 85% of the total hospital cost.
• Length of stay increases by 2x to 3x with fixation failure.6
USD$50,000 additional cost for each failure episode
STG£32,000 additional cost for each failure episode
EUR€42,000 additional cost for each failure episode
- Burge R, Dawson-Hughes B, Solomon DH, Wong JB, King A, Tosteson A. Incidence and economic burden of osteoporosis-related fractures in the United States, 2005–2025. J Bone Mineral Research 2007; 22:465–475
- NICE Hip fracture management clinical guideline CG124. Published June 2011, updated March 2014
- Svedbom A, Hernlund E, Ivergård M, Compston J, Cooper C, Stenmark J, McCloskey EV, Jönsson B, Abrahamsen B, Kanis JA. Osteoporosis in the European Union: a compendium of country-specific reports. Arch Osteoporosis 2013; 8:137:1-218
- Thakar C, Alsousou J, Hamilton TW, Willett K. The cost and consequences of proximal femoral fractures which require further surgery following initial fixation. Bone & Joint Journal. 2010; 92:1669-77
- Palmer SJ, Parker MJ, Hollingworth W. The cost and implications of reoperation after surgery for fracture of the hip. Bone & Joint Journal. 2000; 82:864-6
- Foss NB, Palm H, Krasheninnikoff M, Kehlet H, Gebuhr P. Impact of surgical complications on length of stay after hip fracture surgery. Injury. 2007; 38:780-8